iO Controls ZP-ESP Zone Control Panels With Pressure Control
These forced air zoning systems represent the most contractor-friendly solution today. Panels can handle 2 to 6 zones with varying heating and cooling stages. See each zone panel description for the number of zones and stages available.
All ESP zone panels are equipped with electronic static pressure control technology. As zone dampers open and close, the static pressure sensor continuously monitors the system static pressure. If the static pressure goes above the static pressure setpoint, the panel will open the non-calling zones just enough to relieve the excess pressure and bring the system below the desired setpoint. This eliminates the need for a bypass damper. The static pressure sensor is included.
• Auto changeover
• First call priority with time share
• LED status indication
• Independent fan control by zone
• Short cycle protection
• 2 to 6 zones depending on panel
• 10-year warranty
Zone Damper Catalog (PDF file)
ZP2-HC-ESP, ZP3-HPS-ESP and ZP3-HCMS-ESP Specification Sheet (PDF file)
ZP4-ESP Specification Sheet (PDF file)
ZP6-ESP Specification Sheet (PDF file)
ZP2-HC-ESP Installation Manual (PDF file)
ZP3-HCMS-ESP Installation Manual (PDF file)
ZP3-HPS-ESP Installation Manual (PDF file)
ZP4-ESP Installation Manual (PDF file)
ZP6-ESP Installation Manual (PDF file)
ZP6-ESP-EP Installation Manual (PDF file)
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