Condensate Removal Pumps
Sauermann Si-30 Compact Mini Condensate Pump
Suitable for air-conditioning units up to 5.6 tons. Compact design. Best selling Sauermann pump.
From $118.10
Sauermann Si-20 Inline Mini Condensate Removal Pump
Performance packed in to a compact, versatile design, slim enough for a quick install inside the air conditioning unit. For units up to 5.5 tons
From $118.10
Sauermann Si-10 Compact Monobloc Mini Condensate Removal Pump
Compact monobloc mini condensate removal pump with integrated detection unit for install in tight spaces. For units up to 5.5 tons.
From $114.70
Sauermann Si-33 High Capacity Mini Condensate Pump
If you need high capacity pump performance in a compact, mini pump design the Si-33 is the ultimate choice on the market. For units up to 8.4 tons.
From $159.60
Sauermann Omega Pack Mini Condensate Removal Pump
Ideal choice for convenient under unit mounting. The onboard Si-20 provides you high performance pumping capacities with ultra quiet operation.
From $140.40
Sauermann Delta Pack Side Mount Mini Condensate Removal Pump Kit
The performance of the Si-10 with ducting for installation next to air conditioning units. Side Mount. For units up to 5.5 tons.

Sauermann Si-1801 Centrifugal Tank Pumps
The Si-1801 pump is capable of evacuating 132 gph, and is suitable for condensing boilers & furnaces, industrial refrigeration cases, and air conditioning units.
From $47.00
Sauermann Si-83 Centrifugal Tank Pumps
The Si-83 tank pump is perfect for residential A/C (up to 60,000 BTU) and heating units (250,000 BTU). Half gallon tank.
From $48.30
Aspen Mini Orange and Maxi Orange Condensate Pump Kits
Quiet and reliable condensate pumps used with mini split or a/c systems between 49,500 and 157,000 BTU/HR. Typically concealed in lineset covers or above ceiling.
From $273.78
Aspen Mini Lime and Maxi Lime Condensate Pump Kits
Surface mounted condensate pumps used with mini split or a/c systems between 54,600 and 157,000 BTU/HR. Installed in lineset. Integral reservoir.
From $379.13
Aspen Mini Aqua Condensate Pump Kits
Ultra slim condensate pump for install inside evaporator, lineset cover or above the ceiling. For systems up to 49,500 BTU/HR.
From $325.46
Aspen Mini White Condensate Pump Kits
For wall and ceiling suspended indoor units - designed to be fitted below the indoor unit. For systems up to 49,500 BTU/HR.
From $296.32
Little Giant NXTGen VCMX Series Automatic Condensate Removal Pumps
For automatic removal of condensate from air conditioning equipment, de-humidifiers, high efficiency furnaces, etc.
From $64.80
Little Giant VCCA Series Low Profile Condensate Removal Pumps
Ideal for collecting, detecting, and the automatic removal of condensate from a/c equipment. 1/3 gallon low profile tank.
From $83.52
Little Giant VCMA Series Medium Tank Condensate Removal Pumps
Ideal for collecting, detecting, and the automatic removal of condensate from a/c equipment. 1/2 gallon MEDIUM tank.
From $54.72
Little Giant VCL Series Large Tank Condensate Removal Pumps
Ideal for collecting, detecting, and the automatic removal of condensate from a/c equipment. 1 gallon LARGE tank.

Little Giant 1-ABS Series Shallow Pan Condensate Removal Pump
1-ABS shallow pan condensate pump designed for in-pan placement. 1/150 hp motor, 205 GPH.
From $138.72
Little Giant 3-ABS Series In Pan Shallow Pan Condensate Removal Pump
3-ABS shallow pan condensate pump designed for in-pan placement. 1/12 hp motor, 310 GPH.
From $304.80
Little Giant EC-1-DV Series Remote Pump Mini Split Condensate Removal Pumps
Two piece design allows the reservoir to be placed within the air handler while the pump-controller is located outside. 110-240VAC.

Little Giant Condensate Pump Check Valves
Check valves for Little Giant and other brand condensate removal pumps.
From $15.90
Common uses for this equipment
Used to remove and manage condensate (water) from minisplits and air conditioning units. Mini pumps for mounting in tight spaces such as lineset covers and tank type pumps for remote mounting.
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