BrandGuard Fire Resistant Gable Vents
Gable vents that stop embers from entering your attic during a wildfire. Available in several standard sizes.
From $72.60
BrandGuard Fire Stopping Foundation Vents
Protect your home from embers during a wildfire and provide critical cooling and ventilation to crawlspaces. Standard 6x14 and 8x16 inch sizes.
From $50.00
BrandGuard Fire Resistant Dormer Vents
Fire-resistant dormer vents featuring a patented design with overlapping baffle that is tested and approved for use in high-wildfire-risk areas.
From $141.75
BrandGuard Fire Stopping Soffit And Undereave Vents
Soffit air vents for attics tested for use in high-severity fire hazard zones. Stop embers from entering your attic.
From $58.00
BrandGuard Fire Stopping Continuous Soffit Vents
Continuous soffit vents designed to provide critical attic cool air intake and are tested for use in high-severity fire hazard zones. ASTM E119 1-hr fire rated.
From $90.00
BrandGuard Fire Resistant Round Eave Vents
Round under eave vents resist the intrusion of embers, radiant heat, and flames, as well as wind-driven rain.
From $9.00
BrandGuard Removable 1-Hour Fire-Rated Balcony Inspection Vents
Removable, 1-hour fire-rated balcony inspection vents. The vents are 4 inches wide, with a standard length of 60 inches.
From $155.00
BrandGuard Fire Resistant Sub Flashing Roof Vents
Fire-resistant sub-base vents are installed from the attic. They convert standard roof vents into Wildland-Urban Interface-compliant, ember-stopping vents.
From $40.00
Common uses for this equipment
Home hardening is a critical factor to improve the survivability of structures during wildfires. All homes have a vulnerable “point of entry” that must be sealed to avoid hot embers and fire from entering the structure. Home ventilation is essential from an energy saving point of view, however in case of a fire nearby, there is a risk of hot embers finding their way into your attic, basement, garage, etc.
BrandGuard has patented a unique system to keep embers from entering your house through multiple lines of defense:
- A baffle design which allows air to move freely, but traps embers
- BrandGuard propriety intumescent material, which expand only if high heat and extreme flames are reaching the vents
- Non combustible, metal vents which resist heat and flames
These three combined technologies, help protecting your home, in case of a wildfire, increasing the survivability ratio of the structures.
why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.