Fresh air. Peace & quiet.
You may never come out.
For most homeowners and contractors it’s a missed opportunity, but great ventilation is fundamental to creating a beautiful bathroom environment. Keeping the air fresh and clean — and doing it quietly — makes a huge difference. The common home improvement store bathroom fan just doesn’t cut it. In the ventilation business we call them air beaters: they make lots of noise, yet deliver surprisingly little airflow.
If you don’t want a cheap fan buzzing right over your head, what are the options?

Option 1 is a high-end all-in-one unit. We offer ceiling mounted fans from S&P as well as Delta Breez. Delta units feature brushless DC motors for the ultimate in energy efficiency -- you can expect a fraction of the energy use of a typical AC motor from Broan or Panasonic. See the "Ceiling Mounted Fans" section on the left for a product listing.
Delta Breez fans come in 3" and 4" duct connection sizes. The 4" Delta BreezSignature series offer more air flow and lower sound levels than the 3" BreezSlim versions. In addition the BreezSignature fans are available with humidity sensors and lighting as options.
The Delta BreezSlim series is a very popular upgrade for Broan or NuTone 3" fans.
Option 2: AirScape, S&P and Fantech INLINE fan systems are in a whole different league compared to the cheap home improvement store units or builder specials. They use commercial equipment and techniques to deliver an unbeatable combination of high airflow and low noise. A typical inline fan system consists of a grille in the bathroom ceiling (1 or more), an inline fan in the attic and a roof or side-wall cap. Insulated flexible ducting is used to connect the grille, fan and cap. See "Remote Fans for Bath" on the left for a product listing.
Bathroom Ventilation Products
Bathroom Exhaust Kits
Complete Bath Ventilation Packages. Geared for the weekend handyman, value priced for the contractor.

Remote Fans for Bath
Remote ducted fans for bathroom ventilation. Also suitable for general ventilation use.

Ceiling Mounted Bath Fans
Ceiling mounted fans for bathroom ventilation. Also suitable for general ventilation use.

Zoned Exhaust Systems
Zoned central ventilation systems. They reduce the load on heating and cooling systems because they do not ventilate all bathrooms simultaneously - only the one in use.

Exhaust Fan Controls
Electronic timers, humidity switches, and fan speed controls.

ASHRAE 62.2 Controls
Fan controls to meet ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation requirements.

Grilles - Round
Round exhaust and supply grilles in metal and plastic. Available with and without backdraft dampers.

Discharge Caps - Wall
Wall mounted hoods and louvered vents. Available in plastic, galvanized steel, stainless steel and copper.

Discharge Caps - Roof
Roof mounted caps and vents. Available in plastic, galvanized steel, stainless steel and copper.

Pressure (Air) Balancing
Relieve pressure build up in the home by allowing the movement of air from one room to the next. Wall and door air pathways.

Duct and Duct Accessories
Duct and duct fittings to build exhaust air systems. Ductwork, clamps, y-fittings, reducers, tape, etc.

Learn more about bathroom exhaust
In order to quickly remove vapor and odors from your bathroom, you need a good sized fan. With a remote mounted high quality fan, we can design a system for you that is :
- Powerful
- Quiet
- Long Lasting
- Efficient
Also, Please take a look at some of our other on-line resources:
why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.