Make-up Air Systems.
Commercial-grade ranges are an increasingly popular feature in residential kitchens. As many have found, however, large, powerful ranges require large, powerful exhausts. Without them, the combustion gasses, cooking effluents, steam, and waste heat such ranges produce quickly become unbearable and unhealthy.
Since maintaining a balanced pressure within the home requires that exhausted air be replaced with fresh air from outside, these large hoods require dedicated make-up air supplies. Without make-up air, even modest kitchen exhausts can dangerously depressurize today's "tight" homes. And providing make-up air isn't just common sense: The International Residential Code requires make-up air be provided for all kitchen hoods capable of exhausting 400 or more cubic feet per minute.
Residential make-up air solutions from HVACQuick.com allow homeowners to operate their high-performance appliances in comfort and safety.
Make-up Air Products
Makeup Air Systems - Residential
Makeup air systems for residential applications. Used to ensure that kitchen exhausts do not depressurize today's tight homes.

Air Inlets & Fresh Air Kits
Through the wall make-up air inlets and fresh air inlet kits. Inlets available in round, rectangular, self-regulating, adjustable, and filtering models.

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We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.