Garage Ventilation
Fantech FADE Direct Drive Propeller Fans
Sidewall propeller fans designed for structural stability with a slim profile for conservation of space and safety. All fans are statically and dynamically balanced for vibration free operation.
From $228.00
S&P SWF sidewall fans
Designed for outdoor wall mounting. SWF fans have high static pressure capability and a BUILT IN BACKDRAFT DAMPER.
From $213.70
Fantech RE Exterior Fans
Designed for roof (curb or self flashing) or wall exterior mounting. RE fans are great for general ventilation or residential kitchens.
From $279.80
why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.