Minisplit or A/C condensate issues? Fix it!
The last thing you need is condensate from a mini split or a/c unit ruining walls or finishes in your house. This is where condensate removal pumps come in: they quietly and reliably move condensate from your minisplit to either a drain or to the outside.
Where are they installed?
The Aspen line of condensate pumps are typically referred to as "mini pumps" due to their physical size. They are purpose designed to fit in tight spaces such as lineset covers. This makes installation and maintenance easier.
The Little Giant line of condensate pumps have models that fall into the "mini pump" category as well as "tank type" pumps. Tank type pumps have a physical tank where condensate is collected and pumped out once a certain level is exceeded.
Aspen Pumps:
- Mini Aqua: Concealed. Install inside evaporator, lineset cover or above the ceiling. Remote reservoir.
- Mini/Maxi Orange: Concealed. Install inside cover or above ceiling. Remote reservoir.
- Mini/Maxi Lime: Surface mount. Install inside lineset cover. Integral reservoir.
- Mini White: Surface mount. Install exposed below evaporator.
Little Giant Pumps:
- EC Series: Small compact pumps for auto removal of condesate from ductless mini splits
- NXTGen VCMX: Ideal for collecting, detecting, and the automatic removal of condensate from air conditioning equipment, de-humidifiers, high efficiency furnaces, condensing boilers, and other equipment where an automatic drain pump is required.
- VC Series: Traditional tank type pumps. 3 tank sizes.
- ABS Series: Submersible pumps.
Got questions?
Call 888-855-7229 or email us: team@hvacquick.comCondensate Removal Pumps
Condensate Removal Pumps
Remove condensate generated by minisplits or a/c units. Mini as well as tank type pumps.

Mini Condensate Pumps
Remove condensate generated by minisplits or a/c units. Mini pumps are often installed in tight spaces such as lineset covers.

Tank Type Condensate Pumps
Remove condensate generated by a/c units. Tank type pumps have a physical tank where condensate is collected and pumped out.

Condensate Pump Accessories
Accessories for installing condensate removal pumps such as tubing, connectors, elbows, fittings and pH safe neutralization cartridges.

Linesets and Wall Brackets
Lineset duct kits for mini splits and conventional split systems. Also wall brackets and vibration isolators for mounting AC units.

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