Crawlspace Ventilation
Fantech CSF Crawlspace Fan
Inline fan designed to remove humidity from the air and safeguard a home's foundational spaces.
From $157.00
AC Infinity AIRTITAN Crawl Space Ventilators
Provide ventilation and moisture control for crawl spaces and basements. Programmable controller with corded probe adjusts airflow in response to temperatures and humidity.
From $79.99
Tjernlund Crawlspace Ventilators
Used to help reduce excess moisture that causes mold, mildew and wood rot. 1 fan model will ventilate up to 1650 cubic feet. 1 and 2 fan models available.
From $124.00
Lomanco Crawlspace Ventilators
The PCV1 crawlspace fan is designed to be mounted behind any new or existing crawlspace vent. Humidistat controlled. 1 unit will VENTILATE UP TO 1650 cubic feet of crawlspace.
From $154.00
BrandGuard Fire Stopping Foundation Vents
Protect your home from embers during a wildfire and provide critical cooling and ventilation to crawlspaces. Standard 6x14 and 8x16 inch sizes.
From $50.00
why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.