BrandGuard Fire Resistant Sub Flashing Roof Vents
BrandGuard fire-resistant sub-base vents are an excellent choice for protecting your home from embers during a wildfire. Installed from the attic, they convert standard low-profile roof vents, mushroom vents, and turbine vents into Wildland-Urban Interface-compliant, ember-stopping vents that provide critical cooling and ventilation to your home.
BrandGuard fire-resistant sub-flashing vents are the perfect first line of defense against ember and flame intrusion. These best-rated roof vents are provided with a large nail flange for easy installation.
- Anti-clogging overlapping baffles, with one-eighth-inch mesh on vent’s back side
- Overlapping baffle protection so air flows through normally while resisting ember, flame, and wind-driven rain and snow intrusion
- Prevent rodent entry
- 30-year full warranty
- Easy to install from inside the attic
- SB2011 model is 12x12 inches and weighs 5 lb
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