Attic Vents
BrandGuard Fire Resistant Dormer Vents
Fire-resistant dormer vents featuring a patented design with overlapping baffle that is tested and approved for use in high-wildfire-risk areas.

BrandGuard Fire Resistant Gable Vents
Gable vents that stop embers from entering your attic during a wildfire. Available in several standard sizes.

BrandGuard Fire Resistant Round Eave Vents
Round under eave vents resist the intrusion of embers, radiant heat, and flames, as well as wind-driven rain.

BrandGuard Fire Resistant Sub Flashing Roof Vents
Fire-resistant sub-base vents are installed from the attic. They convert standard roof vents into Wildland-Urban Interface-compliant, ember-stopping vents.

BrandGuard Fire Stopping Continuous Soffit Vents
Continuous soffit vents designed to provide critical attic cool air intake and are tested for use in high-severity fire hazard zones. ASTM E119 1-hr fire rated.

BrandGuard Fire Stopping Soffit And Undereave Vents
Soffit air vents for attics tested for use in high-severity fire hazard zones. Stop embers from entering your attic.

BrandGuard Fire Stopping Foundation Vents
Protect your home from embers during a wildfire and provide critical cooling and ventilation to crawlspaces. Standard 6x14 and 8x16 inch sizes.

BrandGuard Removable 1-Hour Fire-Rated Balcony Inspection Vents
Removable, 1-hour fire-rated balcony inspection vents. The vents are 4 inches wide, with a standard length of 60 inches.

why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.