Air Flow Measurement
Sauermann DBM 620 Balometer Airflow Meters
DBM 620 balometer air balancing instrument for taking direct air volume readings from air vents.

Sauermann Si-VV3 Vane Thermo-Anemometer
Palm-sized Sauermann Si-VV3 vane thermo-anemometer for measuring airflow, air velocity & temperature with its vane probe.

Flue gas analyzers
Sauermann Si-CA 030 Combustion Gas Analyzer
Combustion gas analyzer. All the essentials for combustion gas analysis. 2-3 gas sensors.

Sauermann Si-CA 130 Touch Screen Combustion Gas Analyzer
Combustion gas analyzer with touch screen. Comprehensive combustion gas analysis. 2-3 gas sensors.

Sauermann Si-CA 230 High Performance Combustion Gas Analyzer
High performance combustion gas analyzer, powered for industrial capabilities. 2-6 gas sensors.

Gas Leak Detectors
Sauermann Si-CD3 Gas Leak Detector
Gas leak detector. For various combustible gases such as methane, propane, isobutane, LPG and other hydrocarbons.

Sauermann Si-RD3 Refrigerant Leak Detector
Refrigerant leak detector. For all HCFC and HFC refrigerants, R1234yf, R1234ze, R290, R600a, and 5% hydrogen–95% nitrogen mixtures (Nidron 5 and Trace-A-Gas).

Pressure Manometers
Sauermann Si-PM3 Digital Differential Pressure Manometer
Digital differential pressure manometer for measuring air pressure.

Refrigerant Pressure Measurement
Sauermann Si-RM13 Manifold With Smart Wireless Probes and 2-Channel Bypass
Combines the sturdiness of the analog manifold with digital smart wireless temperature and pressure probes.

Sauermann Si-RM3 Wireless Manifold P/T Probes With Dual Valves
Si-RM3 manifold comes with two pressure probes (high side and low side pressure) and two temperature probes. Provides real-time superheat/sub cooling calculations.

Sauermann Si-RV3 Wireless Vacuum Probe With Dual Valves
Smart wireless vacuum probe for measuring vacuum in a refrigeration system.

Thermometers and Hygrometers
Sauermann Si-HH3 Thermo-Hygrometer
The palm-sized Sauermann Si-HH3 thermo-hygrometer easily measures relative humidity and temperature.

Sauermann Si-TI3 Infrared Thermometer
Palm-sized infrared thermometer. Measure surface temperatures of hot objects that are dangerous or difficult to access.

Sauermann Si-TT3 Dual Input Thermometer
Dual input thermometer measures K thermocouple temperature.

Condensate Pump Accessories
Sauermann 3 and 4 Inch Easy Lineset Duct Kits
3 and 4 inch lineset duct kits for mini splits and conventional split systems. Impact and UV resistant.

Sauermann Heavy Duty Wall Brackets
Heavy duty wall brackets and vibration isolators for mounting AC units. Supplied with screws only.

Condensate Removal Pumps
Sauermann Delta Pack Side Mount Mini Condensate Removal Pump Kit
The performance of the Si-10 with ducting for installation next to air conditioning units. Side Mount. For units up to 5.5 tons.

Sauermann Omega Pack Mini Condensate Removal Pump
Ideal choice for convenient under unit mounting. The onboard Si-20 provides you high performance pumping capacities with ultra quiet operation.

Sauermann Si-10 Compact Monobloc Mini Condensate Removal Pump
Compact monobloc mini condensate removal pump with integrated detection unit for install in tight spaces. For units up to 5.5 tons.

Sauermann Si-1801 Centrifugal Tank Pumps
The Si-1801 pump is capable of evacuating 132 gph, and is suitable for condensing boilers & furnaces, industrial refrigeration cases, and air conditioning units.

Sauermann Si-20 Inline Mini Condensate Removal Pump
Performance packed in to a compact, versatile design, slim enough for a quick install inside the air conditioning unit. For units up to 5.5 tons

Sauermann Si-30 Compact Mini Condensate Pump
Suitable for air-conditioning units up to 5.6 tons. Compact design. Best selling Sauermann pump.

Sauermann Si-33 High Capacity Mini Condensate Pump
If you need high capacity pump performance in a compact, mini pump design the Si-33 is the ultimate choice on the market. For units up to 8.4 tons.

Sauermann Si-83 Centrifugal Tank Pumps
The Si-83 tank pump is perfect for residential A/C (up to 60,000 BTU) and heating units (250,000 BTU). Half gallon tank.

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