Sauermann Si-83 Centrifugal Tank Pumps
The Si-83 condensate pump is constructed from rugged materials and components for exceptional durability and reliability. It is perfect for residential A/C (up to 20 kW / 60,000 BTU) and heating units (73 kW / 250,000 BTU).
• 21 ft max head (15 gph flow rate)
• 120 V~ 60 Hz - 84 W – 1.7 A (SI83ULx2UN12)
• 230 V~ 60 Hz – 1.25 A (SI83ULx2UN23)
• 1/2 gallon tank
• < 45 dBA sound level at 1m
• One-piece centrifugal pump with 1/2 gallon tank
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