Little Giant 3-ABS Series In Pan Shallow Pan Condensate Removal Pump

Designed for in-pan placement, the 3-ABS shallow pan pumps offer next generation technology for air conditioner condensate removal. Totally submersible pump with built-in, advanced mechanical switch that automatically triggers operation when condensate in the pan or reservoir reaches a preset level. Low weight, compact size, high lift and quiet operation make the Little Giant line of ABS pumps perfect for in-pan condensate and other wastewater removal.


  • 1/12 HP oil filled motor
  • Epoxy coated cast aluminum housing and motor cover
  • Galvanized steel tank cover
  • ABS tank
  • 1 gallon tank capacity
  • Stainless steel shaft
  • 1/2" MNPT discharge with brass check valve for 1/2" OD, rigid plastic or copper
  • Advanced non-mercury mechanical switch
  • Thermal overload protection
model description usually ships price QTY
3-ABS 115V Little Giant 3-ABS condensate removal pump w/ 1 gal tank. Item 551320. 115 VAC. 310 GPH. 1 Day. In-stock $304.80
3-ABS 230V Little Giant 3-ABS condensate removal pump w/ 1 gal tank. Item 551330. 230 VAC. 310 GPH. 1 Day. In-stock $358.08
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Little Giant 3-ABS Specifications

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Click on the ? image on the left or this link to ask us your questions!
#1 Q:   Does this unit need to be wired by an electrician or can it simply be plugged into an outlet
A:   The 115 VAC version includes a 9 ft power cord with molded plug.

       Asked on 2018-09-06 by Clifford

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