Broan B70DHW 70 Pint Dehumidifier

The Broan® 70 Pint Dehumidifier's compact design and horizontal or vertical discharge make it a great fit in tight, low-clearance applications where moisture control is needed. The standard MERV 13 filter delivers superior air filtration, providing air that is both fresh and has the right humidity level to the space.


  • Water Removal: 70 pints per day
  • Efficiency: 5.0 Pints/kWh
  • Energy Factor: 2.4 L/kWh
  • Blower: 150 CFM @ 0.0” WG
  • Operating Temperature: 49°F Min., 95°F Max.
  • Sizing: Up to 1,800 Sq. Ft. / 18,000 Cu. Ft.
  • Power: 580 watts @ 80°F and 60% RH
  • Supply Voltage: 115 volt, 1 phase, 60 Hz, 5.1 amps
  • Power Cord: 9 ft, 115 VAC
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B70DHV Broan 70 pint/day dehumidifier. 8 inch round duct connections. 1 Day. In-stock $1399.00
DHA4028407 Broan dehumidifier remote controller WITH remote sensor (DEH 3000R). Compatible with B70DHV, B98DHV, & B120DHV dehumidifiers. 1 Day. In-stock $349.00
DHA4028539 Broan dehumidifier remote controller (DEH 3000). Compatible with B70DHV, B98DHV, & B120DHV dehumidifiers. Backorder $314.00
DHA4036695 Broan dehumidifier hanging kit. Compatible with B70DHV, B98DHV, & B120DHV dehumidifiers. 1 Day. In-stock $102.00
DHA4037724 Broan dehumidifier replacement MERV 13 filter. Compatible with the B70DHV dehumidifier. 1 Day. In-stock $24.00
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Broan B70DHV dehumidifier specifications


Broan B70DHV dehumidifier size


Broan B70DHV dehumidifier


Broan B70DHV dehumidifier alternate port view


Broan B70DHV dehumidifier cord

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