Fantech EC Motor Fan Speed Controls
The EC-10V potentiometer controls the fan speed of Fantech inline EC motor fans such as FG EC, FKD EC, prioAIR EC and RVF EC. The required supply voltage is 10 VDC which is provided as onboard power on Fantech branded EC products. The EC-10V is shipped without the decor cover plate.
The EC-10VHL potentiometer controls the fan speed of Fantech range hood EC motor fans. The required supply voltage is 10 VDC which is provided as onboard power on Fantech EC products. The EC-10VHL Range Hood Liner Speed Control is compatible with HL Series models HL 30, HL 36, HL 42, and HL 48 when using an EC fan and replaces the non EC controller in the hood liners.
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