ACT D'MAND KONTROLS SS1-200 Series Hot Water Recirculation Pumps
ACT D'MAND pumps deliver hot water on demand, reduce water waste, and conserve energy. The D'MAND Kontrols® Recirculating Hot Water Pumps send cold water in the plumbing line back to the hot water heater, via the cold water or dedicated return line, while simultaneously bringing hot water to all fixtures on that plumbing line, in a matter of seconds. Unlike other hot water recirculation pumps, the D'MAND Kontrols® System does not allow hot water into the cold water line, and delivers hot water to the furthest fixtures on-demand, rather than on a timer based system. 5 year warranty on pumps, 1 year on controls.
The SS1-200 pump is for use with dedicated return lines in applications larger than 4,000 sq ft with tank water heaters or pipe runs over 200 lineal ft with tankless water heaters. It includes the pump and one hardwired activation button. Single speed.
The SS1-200-PFS is recommended for use with standard (no dedicated return line) plumbing systems in buildings larger than 4,000 sq ft with tank water heaters or pipe runs over 100. The PFS kit adds flex lines, tees and a mounting bracket to the SS1-200 pump. Single speed.
Additional pump controls can be found on the ACT Accessories page.
ACT pump video (click for youtube.com video):
How the ACT system works:
At the push of a button, the ACT, Inc. Hot Water D'MAND Kontrol Systems® circulate the ambient temperature water in the hot water lines (water that is normally lost down the drain) back to the water heater. This occurs up to 80% faster than just letting the water run down the drain—the usual scenario. Depending on the plumbing layout, the route and time can vary. The D'MAND Kontrol Systems® move the water rapidly, so that the hot water arrives at the fixtures before the heat is lost through the pipe.
As the ambient temperature water in the cold water line travels towards the water heater, the D'MAND Kontrol Systems® fill the hot water line with hot water. When the hot water reaches the D'MAND Kontrol Systems®, a thermal sensor (thermister) senses a temperature rise and quickly shuts the pump off. The sophisticated electronic circuitry that does this is attached to the high-performance pump housing.
This results in getting hot water to the fixtures three to four times faster (on average), greater convenience in not having to wait, a savings in water and energy, and a reduction in sewage costs! As a by-product of these savings, a cumulative result is the improvement of air quality.
The D'MAND Kontrol Systems® can utilize the cold water line as a return line or it can use a dedicated return line. By using the existing cold water line, it is easy to retrofit existing homes or businesses. Special plumbing is not needed, and since the System will not allow for hot water to cross over to the cold water line, all the cold water fixtures still have cold water.
Catalog and specification files:
ACT D'MAND KONTROL System Information (PDF file)
SS1-200 Pump Product Catalog (PDF file)
SS1-200 Pump Installation Manual (PDF file)
PFS-Kit Accessory Specs (PDF file)
WRT-KIT-BT Bluetooth Wireless Kit Specs (PDF file)
WT-BT Bluetooth Additional Wireless Button Specs (PDF file)
HWB-CH-S Silver Button Specs (PDF file)
HWB-LED-S Flush Button Specs (PDF file)
Accessory images:
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