Seiho KXU Series Aluminum Square Hooded Vent Caps

Seiho's KXU square-faced vent caps are now available with a slim hood. This model is excellent for exteriors where protection from the elements is required. Insect screens are an option. No backdraft damper.

- Material: Aluminum
- Finish: Anodized (Custom Colors Available)
- Sizes: 4" & 6"
- Available with a bug screen (KXU N models)

model description usually ships 1-4 units 5+ units QTY
KXU 4 Seiho KXU aluminum exterior vent cap. Square-faced with a slim hood design. Clear anodized. Louvered with no screen. 4 inch size. Backorder. Expected 5/2025 $70.70 $67.70
KXU 6 Seiho KXU aluminum exterior vent cap. Square-faced with a slim hood design. Clear anodized. Louvered with no screen. 6 inch size. Backorder. Expected 5/2025 $107.70 $101.80
KXU 4N Seiho KXU aluminum exterior vent cap. Square-faced with a slim hood design. Clear anodized. Louvered WITH SCREEN. 4 inch size. Backorder. Expected 5/2025 $83.60 $79.10
KXU 6N Seiho KXU aluminum exterior vent cap. Square-faced with a slim hood design. Clear anodized. Louvered WITH SCREEN. 6 inch size. Backorder. Expected 5/2025 $126.60 $119.60
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seiho kxu vent cap


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