Fantech Duct Fittings

Fantech Y sheet metal adapters, reducers, and elbows.

model description usually ships price QTY
FY 4 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 4" x 4" x 4" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $30.70
FY 5 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 5" x 5" x 5" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $35.60
FY 6 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 6" x 6" x 6" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $38.20
FY 644 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 6" x 4" x 4" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $39.30
FY 664 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 6" x 6" x 4" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $44.80
FY 8 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 8" x 8" x 8" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $46.00
FY 866 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 8" x 6" x 6" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $41.40
FY 810 Fantech "Y" Sheet Metal Adapter. 10" x 8" x 8" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $51.60
FY 1066 Y Sheet Metal Adapter. 10" x 6" x 6" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $46.10
FY 1088 Y Sheet Metal Adapter. 10" x 8" x 8" Y-connection. 1 Day. In Stock $48.75
FY 1288 Y Sheet Metal Adapter. 12" x 8" x 8" Y-connection. 1 Day. In-stock $54.40
CKR 43 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 4" x 3". 1 Day. In-stock $9.40
CKR 54 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 5" x 4". 1 Day. In-stock $9.40
CKR 64 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 6" x 4". 1 Day. In-stock $11.00
CKR 65 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 6" x 5". 1 Day. In-stock $8.70
CKR 76 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 7" x 6". 1 Day. In-stock $12.30
CKR 86 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 8" x 6". 1 Day. In-stock $12.30
CKR 108 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 10" x 8". 1 Day. In-stock $15.10
CKR 1210 Sheet Metal Increaser/Reducer. 12" x 10". 1 Day. In-stock $13.50
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