Tamarack TC1000H Whole House Fans

• Energy efficient
• No maintenance
• Sealed R-10 insulated damper
• Equipped with single pole, single throw wall switch
• 1 Speed 800 CFM
• UL listed
• Available in white and brown

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TC-1000HW Tamarack whole house fan. R10 insulation. 800 CFM. Includes on/off wall switch and NO interior grille. White casing color. SKU: TTi-TCK-HW. 5-10 Days $912.00
TC-1000HB Tamarack whole house fan. R10 insulation. 800 CFM. Includes on/off wall switch and NO interior grille. Bronze casing color. SKU: TTi-TCK-HB. 5-10 Days $912.00
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tc1000 dimensions

tc1000 specs

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