Marktime 42EDS1 Series Dual Technology Occupancy Sensor Switch

42EDS1-1 Dual technology Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) & Ultrasonic Sensor for maximum sensitivity with LED sensor indicator.

Time delay “Off” settings 15 seconds to 30 minutes. Time delay, sensor sensitivity, & light level field adjustable. Occupancy Mode: Auto On/ Auto Off. Vacancy Mode: Manual On/ Auto Off.  Walk Through mode: Auto Off at 3 minutes if no activity after 30 seconds. Use with Incandescent, fluorescent and CFL lighting.  White wall plate included in boxed package. UL / cUL Listed

120VAC, 50/60 Hz; 800W, 800VA, 1/4 Hp
277VAC, 50/60 Hz; 1600VA 

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42EDS1-W MARKTIME dual technology occupancy/vacancy sensor switch. 800 watts, 120 Volts, 60 Hz, 1/4 HP. Fluorescent rated. PIR and ultrasonic sensing. White wall plate included. 1 Day. In-stock $69.80
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