Laing D5 Vario DC Bronze Circulation Pumps

D5 pumps can be used in a wide variety of DC applications where a highly efficient circulation pump is required. Typical applications include medical devices, electronics cooling, chillers, laser cooling, RV hot water systems, battery cooling, and fuel cells.  8-24 VDC range.

Speed controll: Easily adjusts by turning a dial in the pump end. It can be adjusted to vary the hydraulic performance and/or the electrical power consumption.

Design: The single moving part in a spherical motor is a hemispherical rotor/impeller unit. The rotor/ impeller rides on an ultra-hard, wear-resistant ceramic ball. There are no conventional shaft bearings or seals, eliminating the possibility of bearing-play and a potential leak path.

Standard Laing Factory Warranty.  See Laing for more info.

model description usually ships price QTY
D5-38/090B Laing Vario DC Bronze circulator pump. Part LMB15107977. 8-24 DC voltage. 1/2 inch union sweat connection. Built-in ball, union, bleeder and check valve. 1 Day. In-stock $366.00
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laing D5 circulation DC pumps

  Laing pump video (click for video):



  Catalog and IOM Links:

D5 Vario Catalog (PDF file)

Installation Manual (PDF file)

Specification sheet (PDF file)

Laing Warranty Info (PDF file)

Do you have questions about the products on this page?

Click on the ? image on the left or this link to ask us your questions!
#1 Q:   Is this pump rated for continuous duty, hot water (195f) and what pressure will it build? Thank you.
A:   Continuous duty is fine. Pressure depends on voltage and speed setting. See the D5 Vario Brass curves in the catalog:

       Asked on 2017-01-03 by Bill

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