AquaMotion Replacement Pump Cartridge

AquaMotion invented the revolutionary Green ECO Cartridge.  The cartridge, which is the heart of the pump, can be pulled out of the stator, taken apart and flushed to remove calcium deposits or dirt.  This cartridge can then be reinstalled to extend the life of the pump for many more years. Alternatively it can be easily replaced saving money over a full replacement.

All AquaMotion replacement cartridges are interchangeable with cast iron and stainless steel pumps. 

model description usually ships price QTY
CT03 Aquamotion replacement cartridge kit. For AquaMotion AM3 circulators. 2-3 Days $122.10
CT56 Aquamotion replacement cartridge kit. For AquaMotion AM5 and AM6 circulators. 2-3 Days $122.10
CT07 Aquamotion replacement cartridge kit. For AM7 and Taco 007 circulators. 2-3 Days $122.10
CT10 Aquamotion replacement cartridge kit. For AM10 3 speed circulators. 2-3 Days $126.30
CTR Aquamotion replacement cartridge kit. For AMR 3 speed circulators. 2-3 Days $126.30
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