Panasonic WhisperComfort 60 Energy Recovery Ventilator

The Panasonic WhisperComfort® 60 is a UL Listed ceiling or wall mount Energy Recovery Ventilator that provides a tempered fresh air supply and balanced exhaust air flow to maintain neutral pressure throughout the home.

  • HVI certified for energy recovery and sound
  • Static pressure access ports make it easy for raters to verify airflow for ASHRAE 62.2 compliance
  • Suitable for new/remodel, single-family/multi-family, energy efficient projects
  • Multi-speed selector (20 to 50 CFM) provides customizable airflow
  • Occupant controllable Boost function moves fan speed to 60 CFM when activated
  • High efficiency capillary core recovers heat and helps maintain desired moisture levels inside
  • MERV 13 replaceable filters for superior air filtration
  • Two powerful DC Panasonic ECM motors provide quiet and efficient airflow
  • Easy installation with 2 duct structure (two 4" or 5" outlets; exhaust & supply)
  • Optional WhisperVent™ wall cap (FV-WC10VE1) allows for supply and exhaust air through one building penetration - up to 100 CFM each side. Please check sizing before ordering as width of cap is tight for 16" O/C spaces
model description usually ships price QTY
FV-06VE1 Panasonic WhisperComfort 60 energy recovery ventilator (ERV). 20, 30, 40, 50 or Boost 60 CFM with 2 ECM motors. 4/5 inch duct connections. 1 Day. In Stock $608.99
FV-WC10VE1 Panasonic WhisperVent wall cap. Double chambers for exhaust and supply air. 1 Day. In Stock $134.99
FV-FL1306VE1 Panasonic WhisperComfort 60 replacement MERV-13 filter. 1 filter. 1 Day. In Stock $18.99
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Panasonic WhisperComfort 60 ERV Specifications

Panasonic WhisperComfort 60 ERV Dimensions


Panasonic WhisperComfort 60 ERV


(Please check sizing in submittal sheet before ordering as width of cap is tight for 16" O/C spaces)

Panasonic WhisperComfort wall cap


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