Aldes Aeromatic Series Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV)
Aeromatic™ Series Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) have been engineered for apartments, condos, and single or multi family homes. Installers will appreciate the compact size and set-up ease, while homeowners will benefit from improved indoor air quality and reduced heating and cooling bills.
All residential models have two exclusive features. EvacMAX™ provides on-demand boost for maximum bathroom ventilation. With FLEXControl, airflow circuits can be calibrated electronically, eliminating the need for resistance-inducing balancing dampers and improving overall efficiency. Other key features of the series include: twist-in collars, non-dust-loading backward-inclined impellers, and snap-out motor decks.
Aldes Residential HRV and ERV Catalog (PDF file)
Aldes Multi Family HRV and ERV Catalog (PDF file)
Aldes Residential HRV and ERV Installation Manual (PDF file)
Introduction to Indoor Air Quality - IAQ (PDF file)
ASHRAE 62.2 2010 Guide (PDF file)
E150-TRG Spec Sheet (PDF file)
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