AirScape Inline Hydroponics Duty Fans (300-550 cfm)

High quality metal cased inline fans suitable for continuous operation.

  • 300-550 cfm fan sizes
  • Centrifugal fan delivers high static pressure
  • Factory mounted POWER CORD
  • Galvanized steel housing
  • Mounting bracket included
  • 3 year warranty
  • Call our techs for application advice
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AS200EH-W AirScape inline centrifugal fan. 555 nominal CFM. 8 inch connections. Motorized impeller, galvanized steel casing, and 10 foot power cord. Powdercoated white. 1 Day. In-stock $104.00
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Airflow: 306 CFM (at 0" WC)
Max. Static Pressure:
1.9" WC
Casing: Galvanized Steel
Electrical: 120 VAC, 60hz, 0.97 Amps
Power: 115 Watts
Warranty: 3 Years

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Click on the ? image on the left or this link to ask us your questions!
#1 Q:   How many sones is this fan? I am in need of a low noise, high cfm fan
A:   There is no set data for any inline fans as how they are installed will vary the noise greatly. These are not too loud however and the use of flex duct, if available for your application, as well as some distance from the room will keep them very quiet.

       Asked on 2013-09-19 by Carlea

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