Canarm LFI's SD explosion proof fans use their quality "Standard Fan" housing and motor mount as the basis for design. They have a single speed, dual voltage explosion proof motor that meets and conforms to all the standards that are listed below. 

CLASS I, GROUP C: Atmospheres containing ethyl ether, ethylene, gases or vapors of equivalent hazard.

CLASS I, GROUP D: Atmospheres such as acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, cyclopropane, ethanol, gasoline, hexane, methane, natural gas, naphtha, propane, or gasses or vapors of equivalent hazard.

CLASS II GROUP F: Atmospheres containing carbonaceous dust, including carbon black, charcoal, coal, or coke dusts that have more than 8% total entrapped volatiles, or dusts that have been sensitized by other materials so that they present an explosion hazard.

CLASS II GROUP G: Atmospheres containing combustible dusts not included in group E or F, including flour, grain, wood, plastic and chemicals.

model description usually ships price QTY
SD08-XPF Canarm SD XPF Series direct drive EXPLOSION PROOF exhaust fans. 8 Inch, 320 nominal CFM, single speed, EXPLOSION PROOF, 115/230V, 1 phase. 3-4 Days $799.90
SD10-XPF Canarm SD XPF Series direct drive EXPLOSION PROOF exhaust fans. 10 Inch, 620 nominal CFM, single speed, EXPLOSION PROOF, 115/230V, 1 phase. 3-4 Days $808.80
SD12-XPF Canarm SD XPF Series direct drive EXPLOSION PROOF exhaust fans. 12 Inch, 1640 nominal CFM, single speed, EXPLOSION PROOF, 115/230V, 1 phase. 3-4 Days $853.80
SD18-XPF Canarm SD XPF Series direct drive EXPLOSION PROOF exhaust fans. 18 Inch, 3200 nominal CFM, single speed, EXPLOSION PROOF, 115/230V, 1 phase. 3-4 Days $969.70
SD24-XPF Canarm SD XPF Series direct drive EXPLOSION PROOF exhaust fans. 24 Inch, 5500 nominal CFM, single speed, EXPLOSION PROOF, 115/230V, 1 phase. 3-4 Days $1030.30
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canarm leader SD explosion proof fan

explosion proof fan

SD XPF series explosion proof fan

Do you have questions about the products on this page?

Click on the ? image on the left or this link to ask us your questions!
#1 Q:   is this reversible for intake as well as exhaust?
A:   The motor only spins in one direction. It is not reversible.

       Asked on 2020-11-18 by Eric
#2 Q:   Will this motor work with a speed control?
A:   No. None of the Canarm explosion proof motors can be speed controlled. They rely on full airflow flowing over the motor casing at all times to keep the internals cool.

       Asked on 2019-05-01 by Max
#3 Q:   I have a 1900 cubic foot room to pull fumes from. Do you think the 12 inch fan would work or would I need to go to the 18 inch?
A:   Impossible to tell without knowing the fumes we are dealing with and the required max concentration levels you are trying to maintain. The 12 inch unit would exchange the air in that room in roughly 1-1/4 minutes.

       Asked on 2018-11-08 by Rk
#4 Q:   I was wondering if this fan would work as an exhaust fan fan for a small hobby paint room. Paint 1 car a year. I would build a filter box in front of it. Thanks.
A:   Yes, the Class/Group rating is appropriate for a hobby paint room. Keep in mind these are not speed controllable so make sure the airflow matches your needs.

       Asked on 2017-03-30 by mark

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