Canarm BPT Series Ceiling Exhaust Fans

Canarm BPT series bathroom ventilators are high quality, low noise units which meet the needs of today’s quality builders and contractors.

CFM ratings of 70 and 110.  120 VAC single speed motors.  4 inch duct connections with damper.

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BPT12-13H Canarm BPT series ceiling exhaust fan. 120 VAC. 4 inch duct connection. 70 CFM. 1-2 Days $68.10
BPT18-34A-6 Canarm BPT series ceiling exhaust fan. 120 VAC. 4 inch duct connection. 110 CFM. 1-2 Days $53.00
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canarm bpt12 fan specifications

canarm bpt18 fan specifications

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