Vortex Powerfans VMF Series Inline Fans

Vortex Powerfans VMF series inline fans are specifically designed to maximize the airflow performance with minimal noise levels in a small, compact housing. These fans incorporate a powerful mixed flow impeller and internal air vanes located at the discharge end of the fan housing. This impeller and guide vane combination provides a smooth laminar air flow which in turn minimizes turbulence and noise and generates an excellent air flow to static pressure performance ratio.

  • Quiet operation
  • Available in duct diameter from 4" to 8"
  • Airflow capacity from 157 to 617 CFM
  • 120 VAC.  Power cord included
  • Can be mounted in any position
  • Precisely balanced for vibration-free operation and longer life expectancy
  • Speed controllable
  • 1-year warranty

model description usually ships price QTY
VMF400 Vortex VMF Series inline mixed flow fan. 115V/1PH/60Hz. 4 inch. 157 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $124.95
VMF600 Vortex VMF Series inline mixed flow fan. 115V/1PH/60Hz. 6 inch. 329 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $163.20
VMF800 Vortex VMF Series inline mixed flow fan. 115V/1PH/60Hz. 8 inch. 617 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $211.65
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Vortex VMF Series Specifications

VMF400 Fan

Vortex VMF400

VMF800 Fan

Vortex VMF800

Do you have questions about the products on this page?

Click on the ? image on the left or this link to ask us your questions!
#1 Q:   How is the speed controlled? Does a separate controller need to be purchased?
A:   You would use something like the Fantech WC15 fan control on this one.

       Asked on 2021-06-04 by TK
#2 Q:   can this powerfan be connected to the A/C central unit to operate only when the system is on?
A:   Sure. You can either hardwire the fan to the furnace or use a device like the Suncourt DS100 duct stat to operate the fan. https://www.hvacquick.com/products/residential/AirFlow-Boosting/Inline-Air-Booster-Fans/Suncourt-Duct-Booster-Fans-Thermostat

       Asked on 2021-05-30 by Bill

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