Vortex PROFilter S Series Activated Carbon Filters

Manufactured with only the finest high porosity activated carbon, the PROfilters 45s and 70s effectively remove 99.5% of volatile organic compounds.

The factory installed high capacity PREfilter eliminates bigger particles such as dust to prevent premature usage of the carbon. Rated for a continuous worry-free operation, light weight and its compact dimensions, make the PROfilters 45s and 70s ideal for residential filtration.

Galvanized steel flanges and PREfilter included.

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PRE45s Vortex PREfilter for PROFilter Carbon Filters. Fits PRO45s. 1 Day. In-stock $12.00
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Click on the ? image on the left or this link to ask us your questions!
#1 Q:   The description of prefilter (white media around the filter) indicates that the air will be pulled from the outside - in toward the inside of the filter and then come out of the flange to the vent,Can this filter be used in reverse, can the flow be reversed?
A:   These are designed to have the air pulled through them. The interior design is optimized for one way flow.

       Asked on 2017-11-14 by Drake
#2 Q:   At near constant 120 CFM of outdoor air, how often would you suspect you would need to change the prefilter, and how often the filter it self? Are the pre filters washable? Thanks.
A:   It really depends on what the outdoor air is contaminated with. The PreFilter should be changed once there is an accumulation of dust on it. The ProFilter should be changed after one year maximum. Yes, the PreFilters are washable. You can simply put it in a normal clothes washing machine and then hang to let it air dry.

       Asked on 2016-03-25 by John

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