Air Flow Measurement
Sauermann Si-VV3 Vane Thermo-Anemometer
Palm-sized Sauermann Si-VV3 vane thermo-anemometer for measuring airflow, air velocity & temperature with its vane probe.
From $147.30
Sauermann DBM 620 Balometer Airflow Meters
DBM 620 balometer air balancing instrument for taking direct air volume readings from air vents.
From $2400.90
Common uses for this equipment
Vane thermo-anemometers are used to measure airflow, air velocity & temperature with their vane probe.
The balometer is a specific flow meter for measuring the flow rate of the air leaving or entering a ventilation outlet within the airflow system of a building. Some balometers can also measure the temperature and relative humidity of the air stream along with its flow rate, as well as the atmospheric pressure of the room.
Modern balometers measure the velocity and flow rate of an air stream using a differential pressure measurement system, which is very reliable and accurate for this type of application. This technique uses a measuring grid with many holes through which the pressure is measured in comparison to the atmospheric pressure, and provides an average flow rate over the entire measuring area.
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