Neptronic TFC Wall Mounted Fan Coil Controllers
The TFC Series fan coil room controllers are designed for general HVAC applications, but more specifically for fan coil control. These controllers can connect to:
- One, two or three fan speeds
- Damper actuator or actuated valve (modulating or on/off and pulse)
- Electric duct heater or baseboard (modulating or on/off and pulse)
• TFC54F3X1: 2 Analog heat/cool outputs (0-10 Vdc)
• TFC54F3Y1: 2 TRIAC heat/cool outputs (On/Off, or Pulse)
• TFC24F3XYZ1: Fan Coil Controller
• TFC24F3XYZ3: Fan Coil Controller with Scheduler
• TFCB24F3XYZ1: Fan Coil Controller with BACnet
• TFH24F3XYZ1: Fan Coil Controller with Humidity
• TFHB24F3XYZ1: Fan Coil Controller with BACnet and Humidity
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