S&P RCXII Rooftop Gravity Relief Vents
S&P RCXII rooftop gravity relief and intake ventilators are used to exhaust (relief) or supply (intake) air from or to an enclosed area without the need for a power operated fan. They rely on a difference in static pressure inside and outside the area to create an air flow through the ventilator from the area of higher pressure to the area of lower pressure. If the enclosed area is under a negative pressure, air will flow into the enclosed area (intake). If the enclosed area has a positive pressure, air will flow from it to the outside (relief).
These units can also operate as gravity ventilators, allowing air to flow from an enclosed area using the Stack Effect. The amount of air flow will depend on the temperature difference inside and outside the area and the height difference between the ventilator and the outside air intake to the area.
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