Festa Radon

Festa Radon Products by Model

model description usually ships price QTY
AMG Eagle AMG Eagle radon fan. 241 CFM max flow. 4.2 inch w.g. max pressure. White. Fits 3 inch couplers. [AMG-EW-009] 1-2 Days $222.00
AMG Eagle Extreme AMG Eagle Extreme radon fan. 304 CFM max flow. 5.0 inch w.g. max pressure. Fits 3 inch couplers. [AMG-EX-017] 1 Day. In-stock $262.00
AMG Hawk AMG Hawk radon fan. 322 CFM max flow. 2.1 inch w.g. max pressure. White. Fits 6 inch couplers. [AMG-HW-003] 1-2 Days $157.00
AMG Legend AMG Legend radon fan. 345 CFM max flow. 2.6 inch w.g. max pressure. White. Fits 6 inch couplers. [AMG-LW-007] 1-2 Days $200.00
AMG Maverick AMG Maverick radon fan. 260 CFM max flow. 2.21 inch w.g. max pressure. White. Fits 4 inch couplers. [AMG-MW-001] 1-2 Days $142.00
AMG Prowler AMG Prowler radon fan. 221 CFM max flow. 2.7 inch w.g. max pressure. White. Fits 3 inch couplers. [AMG-PW-005] 1-2 Days $195.00
AMG Spirit AMG Spirit radon fan. 121 CFM max flow. 0.9 inch w.g. max pressure. White. Fits 5 inch couplers. [AMG-SW-013] 1 Day. In-stock $140.00
CBX-CB-110 Festa white fan cover box with backplate. Used to cover a radon fan installation. 1 Day. In-stock $140.00
COW-33-062 White 3"x3" Fernco coupler. Fits the AMG Eagle, AMG Eagle Extreme and AMG Prowler. 1 coupler. 1 Day. In-stock $11.20
COW-43-065 White 4"x3" Fernco coupler. Fits the AMG Eagle, AMG Eagle Extreme, AMG Prowler and AMG Maverick. 1 coupler. 1 Day. In-stock $11.20
COW-44-068 White 4"x4" Fernco coupler. Fits the AMG Maverick. 1 coupler. 1 Day. In-stock $10.90
COW-53-071 White 5"x3" Fernco coupler. Fits the AMG Spirit. 1 coupler. 1 Day. In-stock $13.00
COW-54-073 White 5"x4" Fernco coupler. Fits the AMG Spirit. 1 coupler. 1 Day. In-stock $12.20
COW-63-075 White 6"x3" Fernco coupler. Fits the AMG Hawk and AMG Legend. 1 coupler. 1 Day. In-stock $12.20
COW-64-078 White 6"x4" Fernco coupler. Fit the AMG Hawk and AMG Legend. 1 coupler. 1 Day. In-stock $12.20
MNO-F8-182 Festa 5.5 inch u-tube radon system manometer kit. Reads 0-5" WC. Includes manometer, homeowner brochure and system labels for code compliance. Green fluid. 1 Day. In-stock $10.90
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