Arctica Solar

Arctica Solar Products by Model

model description usually ships price QTY
1500 Series Solar Air Heater Arctica Solar fully integrated solar air heater - 1500 Series. Includes solar air heater, 10W PV panel, thermostat and wall mount clips. 1,500 W / 5,000 BTU/hr max heating capacity. 2-3 Days $899.00
750 Series Solar Air Heater Arctica Solar fully integrated solar air heater - 750 Series. Includes solar air heater, 10W PV panel, thermostat and wall mount clips. 750 W / 2,500 BTU/hr max heating capacity. 2-3 Days $479.00
IV50 Arctica Solar IV50 ductless heat recovery ventilator. Intake, exhaust and heat recovery ventilation modes. Max continuous 50 CFM (with filter removed). 2-3 Days $449.00
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