Airtec by TRUaire

Airtec by TRUaire Products by Model

model description usually ships price QTY
DCF Airtec drop ceiling support flange. 9-1/4 inch hole. [81963] 1 Day. In-stock $9.10
GR360S Airtec round grille only. 9-1/2 inch round face. [81821] 1 Day. In-stock $12.09
GRD3 Airtec 3 way low clearance grille with damper. 11-3/8 inch square face. [81943] 1 Day. In-stock $28.44
GRD4 Airtec 4 way low clearance grille with damper. 11-3/8 inch square face. [81944] 1 Day. In-stock $28.44
MH Airtec 8x8 register box. 6,7,8 inch collars. [81968] 1 Day. In-stock $17.85
MHL Airtec 10x10 register box. 8,9,10 inch collars. [81970] 1 Day. In-stock $22.02
MHS Airtec 6x6 register box. 4,5,6 inch collars. [81966] 1 Day. In-stock $15.64
MV2 Airtec model MV ceiling diffuser with 2 way grille and damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 11-3/8 inch square face. [81912] 1 Day. In-stock $40.41
MV2S Airtec model MV ceiling diffuser with 2 way grille and damper. 4, 5, 6 inch round connections. 8-3/4 inch square face. [81902] 1 Day. In-stock $31.88
MV3 Airtec model MV ceiling diffuser with 3 way grille and damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 11-3/8 inch square face. [81913] 1 Day. In-stock $40.41
MV360 Airtec model MV round ceiling diffuser with damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 12-1/2 inch round face. [81911] 1 Day. In-stock $40.41
MV360S Airtec model MV round ceiling diffuser with damper. 4, 5, 6 inch round connections. 9-1/2 inch round face. [81901] 1 Day. In-stock $31.88
MV3S Airtec model MV ceiling diffuser with 3 way grille and damper. 4, 5, 6 inch round connections. 8-3/4 inch square face. [81903] 1 Day. In-stock $31.88
MV4 Airtec model MV ceiling diffuser with 4 way grille and damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 11-3/8 inch square face. [81914] 1 Day. In-stock $40.41
MV4S Airtec model MV ceiling diffuser with 4 way grille and damper. 4, 5, 6 inch round connections. 8-3/4 inch square face. [81904] 1 Day. In-stock $31.88
MVAB Airtec model MV antique grille with damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 11-1/4 inch square face. Black. [81918] 1 Day. In-stock $52.92
MVASW Airtec model MV antique grille with damper. 4, 5, 6 inch round connections. 8-3/4 inch square face. White. [81919] 1 Day. In-stock $45.66
MVAW Airtec model MV antique grille with damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 11-1/4 inch square face. White. [81909] 1 Day. In-stock $52.92
MVE Airtec model MV RETURN/EXHAUST grille with damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 11-1/4 inch square face. [81915] 1 Day. In-stock $40.41
MVES Airtec model MV RETURN/EXHAUST grille with damper. 4, 5, 6 inch round connections. 8-3/4 inch square face. [81905] 1 Day. In-stock $31.88
MXE Airtec model MV RETURN/EXHAUST grille with NO damper. 6, 7, 8 inch round connections. 11-1/4 inch square face. [81916] 1 Day. In-stock $36.96
MXES Airtec model MV RETURN/EXHAUST grille with NO damper. 4, 5, 6 inch round connections. 8-3/4 inch square face. [81906] 1 Day. In-stock $27.69
RCF16 Airtec rough-in flange for 16" O/C framing. 9-1/4 inch hole. [81965] 1 Day. In-stock $7.79
RCF16S Airtec rough-in flange for 16" O/C framing. 7 inch hole. [81955] 1 Day. In-stock $7.79
RCF24 Airtec rough-in flange for 24" O/C framing. 9-1/4 inch hole. [81964] 1 Day. In-stock $8.82
RCF24S Airtec rough-in flange for 24" O/C framing. 7 inch hole. [81954] 1 Day. In-stock $8.82
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