AC Infinity

AC Infinity Products by Model

model description usually ships price QTY
AC-AFT7-BE AC Infinity AIRFRAME T7 AV closet cooling system. BLACK. Includes filter and LCD controller. EHXAUST configuration. 1 Day. In-stock $119.00
AC-AFT7-BN AC Infinity AIRFRAME T7-N AV closet cooling system. BLACK. Includes filter and LCD controller. INTAKE configuration. 1 Day. In-stock $119.00
AC-AGB7 AC Infinity ventilation grille. BLACK. Passive ventilation alum grille. 16.5x6.5 inch outer dimensions. Includes screws. 1 Day. In-stock $19.99
AC-ATT3 AC Infinity AIRTITAN T3 crawl space ventilator. Single fan with REMOTE temperature and humidity controller. 120 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $89.99
AC-ATT7 AC Infinity AIRTITAN T7 crawl space ventilator. Dual fan with REMOTE temperature and humidity controller (6 foot cable). 240 CFM. Backorder $99.00
AC-ATT8 AC Infinity AIRTITAN T8 crawl space ventilator. Dual fan with STAINLESS BACKPLATE and unit mounted temperature and humidity controller. 240 CFM. For EXHAUST from crawlspace. Backorder $119.00
AC-ATT8-N AC Infinity AIRTITAN T8-N crawl space ventilator. Dual fan with STAINLESS BACKPLATE and unit mounted temperature and humidity controller. 240 CFM. For INTAKE into crawlspace. 1 Day. In-stock $119.00
AC-RBF42-B AC Infinity AIRTAP T4 register booster. BRONZE. For 4x12 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 100 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $69.99
AC-RBF42-W AC Infinity AIRTAP T4 register booster. WHITE. For 4x12 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 100 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $69.99
AC-RBF4-B AC Infinity AIRTAP T4 register booster. BRONZE. For 4x10 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 100 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $79.99
AC-RBF4-W AC Infinity AIRTAP T4 register booster. WHITE. For 4x10 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 100 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $79.99
AC-RBF62-B AC Infinity AIRTAP T6 register booster. BRONZE. For 6x12 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 1 Day. In-stock $89.99
AC-RBF62-W AC Infinity AIRTAP T6 register booster. WHITE. For 6x12 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 1 Day. In-stock $99.99
AC-RBF6-B AC Infinity AIRTAP T4 register booster. BRONZE. For 6x10 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 120 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $79.99
AC-RBF6-W AC Infinity AIRTAP T4 register booster. WHITE. For 6x10 inch openings. Includes LCD thermostat controller. 120 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $89.99
AI-CLS10 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE S10 inline fan. For 10 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) speed controller. 1201 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $269.00
AI-CLS12 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE S12 inline fan. For 12 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) speed controller. 1604 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $369.00
AI-CLS4 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE S4 inline fan. For 4 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) speed controller. 205 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $99.00
AI-CLS6 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE S6 inline fan. For 6 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) speed controller. 402 CFM. Backorder $119.00
AI-CLS8 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE S8 inline fan. For 8 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) speed controller. 807 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $169.00
AI-CLT10 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T10 inline fan. For 10 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) LCD speed, humidity and temperature controller. 1201 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $299.00
AI-CLT12 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T12 inline fan. For 12 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) LCD speed, humidity and temperature controller. 1604 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $399.00
AI-CLT4 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T4 inline fan. For 4 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) LCD speed, humidity and temperature controller. 205 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $139.00
AI-CLT6 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T6 inline fan. For 6 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) LCD speed, humidity and temperature controller. 402 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $169.00
AI-CLT8 AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T8 inline fan. For 8 inch duct. Includes corded (20 foot) LCD speed, humidity and temperature controller. 807 CFM. 1 Day. In-stock $229.00
AI-DTA4 AC Infinity duct tube. Flexible dual-layer alum. 25 foot long for 4 inch duct fans. 1 Day. In-stock $19.99
AI-DTA6 AC Infinity duct tube. Flexible dual-layer alum. 25 foot long for 6 inch duct fans. 1 Day. In-stock $23.99
AI-DTA8 AC Infinity duct tube. Flexible dual-layer alum. 25 foot long for 8 inch duct fans. 1 Day. In-stock $35.99
DCA10-10 AC Infinity stainless steel duct clamps. For 10 inch ducts. 10 pack of clamps. 1 Day. In Stock $34.00
DCA8-10 AC Infinity stainless steel duct clamps. For 8 inch ducts. 10 pack of clamps. 1 Day. In Stock $29.90
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