Air Screens and Air Curtains:
Why do I need one ?
Open doors and entry ways create drafts, increase costs and introduce pollutants. Installing an Air Screen over the opening adds a “barrier” in the opening. Heated units improve the comfort by adding heat and drying up the entrance area. The additional heat also serves as a buffer on very cold days. Air Screens reduce heat loss through an open door, improving energy efficiency while effectively maintaining a comfortable air temperature and shielding against insects, dust and contaminants.
Solutions: air screens
Air Screens - Unheated
Air Curtains are specifically designed to prevent the loss of cool or conditioned air and the entry of hot contaminated air.

why buy from us?
We're engineers passionate about home ventilation and serious about customer service – so you can count on us for carefully-selected equipment and expert advice to ensure your project is a success from specification to installation.
Your call is answered by qualified people who will gladly discuss your project in detail, advise you professionally and never sell you inappropriate products.